Plastic is all around us. Every single day there are about 8 million pieces of plastic that find their way into our oceans alone. And, very recently, plastic has been found at both of Earth’s poles, for the very first time.
There is no doubt about it, we are suffocating the planet with this material. But, is it in our food? Are there things we can do about it? In this article, we will look at those questions and more.
Is there plastic in my food?
Yes, according to this study conducted in 2019 (when there was less plastic) Every year we all consume around 250 grams of plastic. That is a full, heaping dinner plate’s worth of shredded plastic.
There are many ways that this plastic can find its way into your body. Perhaps the animal you’re eating ingested plastic itself or the plastic container you’re eating off of shed some microplastics into your food. No matter the method, it is finding its way to you.
How To Prevent Plastic From Getting Into Food
There are a lot of ways to pave the path for a plastic-free body and a plastic-free future.
1) Keep food out of plastic containers
Yes, we all love a takeaway! But, pipping hot food in plastic containers or cups is not a good choice for those of us who are trying to cut down our plastic consumption.
Using eco-friendly containers is a much better option, and most of the time, your favourite food place will be happy to accommodate. Simply call ahead and tell them you’re bringing your own takeaway container or huskup, and they’ll keep the food ready until then.
2) Stay away from synthetic clothing
An estimated 14,000 tons of microfibers sloughed off of soiled laundry is believed to be released into European oceans every year. If we keep away from synthetic clothing, we can drastically reduce this. If you already own synthetic clothing, simply washing them less will make a big difference.
3) Support people making a difference
There are so many incredible initiatives at work, right now. The Stop Plastic Pollution campaign is a great place to begin. Spreading the word, making changes yourself and financially supporting when you can – can change the world.
4) Cut down on seafood
There is a big problem in the ocean, from overfishing, waste materials, and sealife being completely unable to escape. By cutting down on your seafood, you are taking a stand and protecting our waterways.
Staying Away From Plastic
Taking plastic out of life is a hard thing to do – some might say impossible. It is everywhere! Instead of getting overwhelmed by the issue at hand, we can all do our part by making little changes where possible.
Start by reusing what you can and doing your best. At huskup, that is the core of everything we stand for. That’s why our eco-friendly cups are durable and still biodegradable at the end of their life.